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Racial and Ethnic Minorities

​​​​Pembroke is an open and diverse College. People from all walks of life, backgrounds and ethnicities are welcome. We aim to ensure that all students feel represented and at home. The JCR sees that more can be done to support ethnic minority students and staff, and we are working diligently to do so. To support ethnic minority undergrads, the JCR has a Racial Ethnic Minorities Rep who is able to help with whatever queries you may have, as well as providing a safe space for ethnic minority students to cite any concerns. 


Externally, the University has a Counselling Service, and the Peers of Colour scheme where you can speak to people you identify with (email and ask for a peer of colour). There are various societies that reflect different ethnicities and backgrounds such as the African Caribbean Society or the Islamic Society; take a look at lists on the University Clubs and Societies page under ‘Cultural’ and ‘Faith’ tabs. The JCR hopes you feel welcome both in college and within the wider university!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our REM Rep

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