Faith & Religion
We have a vast number of students from a wide variety of faiths who all call Pembroke home and there are lots of opportunities to be involved either at a college level or at the wider university. No matter what your faith background, please do feel free to come to any of our events. At Pembroke we work together to create a safe and inclusive environment for the entire community.
​We also have the Faith and Chaplaincy Committee, an inclusive forum ran by our Chaplain, Andrew Teal for all religions.
Add get in touch with George Mack (and his email) for Christian Union info this year.
The Chapel
The role of the chapel is as a place of peace. Focus and prayer for the world and this community continues – there are daily services, and a choral service on Sundays to which all are invited, including the general public.
Our college choir includes 12 choristers from Christ Church Cathedral School. The choral and musical life of chapel reaches far beyond mere religious opinions, or defensive identities, and allows people to immerse themselves in inspiring, transforming sound.
Each Sunday there is a speaker from one of a host of religious traditions: we have had Anglican, Armenian, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Latter-day Saint, Lutheran, Methodist, Muslim, Orthodox – Evangelical, Traditional and Liberal, as well as people who are reluctant to take a faith label, and those who are happy to share their quest from a non-religious perspective.
The chaplain is always very happy to meet in person – for whatever reason, just get in touch.
Christian Union (& OICCU)
The Pembroke Christian Union is a welcoming community of students from many different churches wanting to share God's love with the rest of college. In conjunction with Christ Church, we are a casual society where you can come as little or as often as you like. Throughout the week, we hold a social dinner, Bible study and prayer meetings for anyone interested. Our events are open to all, so regardless of your background or beliefs we'd love to have you along.
If you're an international student feel free to check out the OICCU i-team's website. Available and supporting all international students of any denomination.
Contact George Mack at for more info on Christian Union this year.
Pembroke Prayer Room
Pembroke now has its own multi-faith prayer room, the Arnold Room, which can be found in the Henderson Building. This space is available for all members of the Pembroke community of any faith or none to use for private prayer and meditation. The prayer room is is open every day from 4am - 11pm.
Other Religious Groups
Whilst other religions have no college-level religious groups, each main faith has its own complex and supportive society that are open for anyone to join. These include Baha'i, Latter-day Saints, Quakers, Methodist, Catholic and Sikh groups, which all hold regular meetings.
The J-soc (Jewish Society) is an active group which facilitates Hebrew and Jewish studies at the university and also has its own chaplaincy service.
Muslim students are welcomed into their Oxford community, and the university society is known for being one of the most active and fun socs out there. They regularly host religious and non-religious activities and all students are encouraged to join the society's Facebook page. There is also a dedicated prayer space in University’s Robert Hooke building on Parks Road.
If you require halal, kosher or fasting-specific requirements please let college know.