At Pembroke we are committed to helping everyone get the best out of their university experience.
There is a huge amount of support available to students with disabilities, physical, sensory or invisible; specific learning difficulties; long-term health conditions; and mental health conditions, and there are dedicated staff members and students across the university who are committed to helping students to access this.
In College, the first port of call for disability related advice and support is Helena Palmer, Community Disability Coordinator. Helena can help organise study support on a college level, liaise with tutors regarding students' individual needs, and can handle applications to the university proctors for extra time in examinations. Helena can be found in the Academic Office in Old Quad, Staircase 5, or you can contact her by email: helena.palmer@pmb.ox.ac.uk
If you are interested in joining any of our groups to support students with disabilities, we would love to hear from you.
The Disability Advisory Service provides resources for disabled students at Oxford, including those with sensory or mobility impairments, long-term physical or mental health conditions, specific learning difficulties or a social/communication difficulty. This includes free IT equipment and study technology, access to recorded lectures, adjustments to exam conditions and much more. Email them at disability@admin.ox.ac.uk.
If you fulfil the definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010 you will be eligible to receive the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA). This allowance is paid on top of your student finance. It’s designed to help you cover any extra costs you may incur as a result of your disability and it doesn’t have to be repaid! ​Getting everything sorted with DAS and DSA can take a while, so reach out to them as soon as possible. Detailed information regarding eligibility and the application process can be found here.
JCR Reimbursement
The JCR will reimburse students for any costs they incur when disclosing a disability and accessing support from the DAS (GP's forms, costs of transport to and from assessments etc). Keep relevant receipts or invoices and contact the JCR, and we'll make sure you're reimbursed.
Student Carers
If you are a Student Carer (if you care for a family member, partner or friend with a disability, mental health issue, addiction or other condition), we realise coming to university might lead to its own challenges. If you think you need support from the college, or would like to connect with other students in similar situations, please also get in touch with our Disabilities and Student Carers rep for a confidential chat.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the JCR.